Report on implementation of innovative works of academician M.Nagiyev Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry of ANAS in 2017
Obtaining of hydrophobic-elastic sealants based on polyethylene-bitum modification
- Technical conditions and recommendations have been adopted by the Open Joint Stock Company for Melioration and Water Management. The proposed samples of hydrophobic sealants have been used in the repair work of the channel "Khan arkhy" (test certificates have been received).
Responsible person: Ph.D. Talib Huseynzade
Development of technology of cleaning from bottom oil sludge, formed in containers for various purposes, composite solutions obtained on the basis of organometallic carbonyl compounds
- For "EKOL Engineering Services" in Baku have been carried out the tests of nanocomposite solutions based on ferrocene derivatives for cleaning from sludge formed in containers for various purposes in the laboratory of complex studies of the Department of Environmental Monitoring of the Closed Joint Stock Company. It is shown that sand and mechanical impurities fall out as a sediment under the influence of the composite from the isolated sludge.
Responsible persons: Doctor of Chemistry, prof. Gulmamed Suleymanov
Ph.D., leading researcher. Rovshan Muradkhanov
Using the process of clathrate formation in increasing oil recovery from oil wells
- The influence of transition metal complexes on the extraction and transportation of heavy oils of Azerbaijan has been studied. The composite obtained on their basis reduces the dynamic viscosity of Muradkhanli oils by 60%, which are characterized by a high content of resins and asphaltenes. In addition, under the influence of the composite, the water hardness significantly decreases to the level of ecologically clean irrigation water.
Responsible person: Doctor of Chemistry Mina Munshieva
Development of technology for processing by-products of chemical industry
A process for production of naphthalene with a purity up to 98.9% of heavy resin by-products of ethylene synthesis at the EP-300 unit (Sumgait) has been developed. The essence of the process is that, depending on the raw materials used in the pyrolysis of hydrocarbons, the yield of the desired product is increased by a simple and accessible method up to 36%.
Responsible person: Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Fikret Sadikhov
Report on implementation of innovative works of academician M.Nagiyev Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry of ANAS in 2016
1. Anti-corrosion “Hydrophobic hermetics on the basis of modification of Polyethylene – polystyrene Bitum” scientific-technical conditions and recommendations developed in 2016 were applied in repair works of “Khan channel” of Irrigation systems office of Guba region with 1800 pn.M volume and in construction of “Shamkir machine channel” (II turn) with 4000 pn.M volume. (Application act is available)
Responsible persons: PhD in technical sciences T.Huseynzade
PhD in chemistry H.Tahirly
PhD in chemistry Sh.Bagirov
2. Hydrogen sulfide corrosion which is the result of microbiological bacteria in submarine plants of Mingachevir reservoir and their life activity, was found out. These microorganisms have anaerobic character, feed with SO-24 ions in water and secrete H2S, and are exposed to pitting corrosion. To prevent corrosion process arrangement of cathodic protection of hydro technical plants was recommended. In this direction scientific-research works will be conducted (Innovative work)
Responsible persons: PhD in chemistry H.Tahirly
PhD in chemistry S.Verdiyev
The works presented to innovation centers for application - 2015
Manager of the work: academician Agadadash Aliyev
The process is conducted under low temperature wih the presence of active zeolite catalysts. Catalysts were synthesized, kinetics and mechanism of the processes were studied and scientific bases of optimal projecting of these processes in industry were developed. Obtained cyclic dienes are used in purposeful synthesis of physiological active substances, analogues of natural compounds, medicinal products and in polymer industry.
Manager of the work: Dr. of technical sciences Fikret Sadigov.
Depending on the content of gasoline, raw material supplied to pyrolysis, amount of naphthaline in heavy resin reaches 30%. Production of naphthaline is of current importance, since it is used in many branches – paint-and-varnish, defence industry, pharmacology, agriculture and others. On that basis to obtain high purity naphthaline from heavy resin first naphthaline fraction is separated, and then naphthaline is separated by fractionating.
Technological scheme for treatment of waste waters consists of unit of three-stage liquid phase extraction treatment, unit of phase immiscibility and decomposition of components by fractionating for their recycling in the process.
Manager of the work: correspondent member of ANAS Kelbaliyev Gudret
Manager of the work: Gulmammad Suleymanov
The process is based on the interaction reaction of solvated ferrous chloride with activated monocyclopentadiene. Ferrocene is used as a basic component in fuel-power complexes used in the production of composition materials to increase octane number and reduce smoke emission. Advantage of this technology is that during its production highly inflammable and explosive chemical reagents are not used.
Manager of the work: academician Tofik Nagiyev
The distinctive feature is that the process proceeds in flow-type reactor without using catalysts.
Installation consists of three sections:
- section of storage and raw material supply
- reactor section
- section of cooling and accumulation of obtained products
Works implemented in industry
1. Development and application of modified anticorrosive coatings based on polystyrene resin.
Manager of the work: PhD in technique, assistant professor Talib Huseynzade
Developed anticorrosive modified bitumen-polymer composition “Bicoplast” is applied in the system of melioration and water industry during construction of hydro-technical utilities and main pipelines as sealants for expansion joint of channels and anticorrosive polymer coatings for steel pipes. Act of implementation on objects was received.
Transitory works
1. Effect of ferrocene and its derivatives on the quality of fuels (was tested in Baku Oil Refining Plant named after H.Aliyev).
Manager of the work: PhD in chemistry, Professor Gulmammad Suleymanov.
It was found out that ferrocene and its derivatives provide 75-94% full combustion of diesel fuels.