Important Results for 2018 at Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after acad. M.Nagiyev of ANAS
- There has been elaborated analytic 3 D model for dependence of non –balanced Gibbs energy on partial pressure of components at the process of reconstruction iron- and vanadium containing ore concentrates in the stream of natural gas, which allowed determining the parameters of partial pressures to reduce the initial temperature of reconstruction to1000 C.
- For the first time with the use of ionic liquid (morpholine formate) as an electrolyte by EMF (electro moving force) method with a high exactness the partial and integral thermodynamic functions of triple compounds formed in systems M-X-I (M –Tl,Sb, Bi; X-S, Se, Te) have been determined. This allows considerably widening the opportunity of using EMF method in the research of inorganic systems.
- For the first time polynuclear coordinated compounds of divalent platinum and palladium have been synthesized with biologically active ligands mercamine and β-mercaptoethanol containing functional groups specific for biological systems, their structure has been studied and the correlation between the structure and biological activity of complex (radioprotective, oncological and dermatological) has been established.
- Compounds of thiosemicarbazones and hydrazones of carboxylic acids with metals of the first transitive period have been synthesized, their structure has been studied and it was established, that these compounds with inhibiting ability towards some ferments, are potential medicines against Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma.
- Kinetic regularities were studied and mathematical model of selective hydration reaction of phenyl acetylene –by-product, formed in the production of polystyrene on non-metal catalyst-mesoporous polymer carbonitride was constructed.
- Encapsulation of medicine L-tyroxine on N-methyl N-benzyl derivative, obtained during the interaction of chitosan with formic aldehyde and benzaldehyde, which has much higher solubility was performed. This biocomplex was tested in vivo on mice, where for a month there was not noticed any reverse reaction.
- On the mass-transfer and rheological properties of oil dispersive media there have been suggested diffusive and gravitational mechanisms, the models of asphalt, resin and solid phase precipitations, which contain crude oil, and formation models of dense layer of particles on the surface of oil equipment. The offered models allow predicting the condition of oil equipment within a time and choosing optimum conditions to prolong the time of their exploitation.
Important Results for 2017 at Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after acad. M.Nagiyev of ANAS
Problem: Creation of scientific basis of complex retirement technology for ore and non-ore mineral resources of republic.
There have been defined parameters and optimum regime of directed synthesis in rutile and anatase modifications of titanium loadstone dioxide by restoration of Adjinaur titan – concentrations with natural gas and the use of bioactive substance chitosane as a modificator, and technological scheme of the process has been elaborated.
Gasimova A.M., Samedzade K.M., Kelbaliyev G.I., Mamedov A.N., Shadlinskaya G.V.
Restoration of titan loadstone concentrations by methane to obtain the iron powder and anatase // Fundamental Research, Moscow, 2017, №9 (1), p.36-41
Executors: Doctor of Chemistry, professor Asif Mamedov, scientific researcher Afarida Gasimova, PhD of Chemistry Kasum Samed –zade.
There have been obtained gallium –sulfide glasses of lanthanides, where there is a transition from infrared field into visible one while exiting these glasses (l=976nm), it gives an opportunity to use them as anti-stocks luminophore materials in fibrous lines of connection and in the apparatus of night vision.
Bakhtiyarly I.B., Abdullayeva A.S., Kurbanova R.D., Karimov P.I. The ternary system Ln2S3-Ga2S3-EuS and glass formation.//Azerbaijan Chemical journal, 2016, № 3, p. 113-121.
Executors: Doctor of Chemistry, professor Bakhtiyarly Ikhtiyar, PhD of Chemistry Kurbanova Ruksana.
There has been synthesized compound Cd3As2S3Se3 , having much higher photosensibility in the wide field of spectrum, as compared with CdS, which is used in solar batteries. Photosensitive, optic properties of Cd3As2S3Se3 has been studied and perspectiveness of its use as photoresistor in solar batteries has been shown.
Imir I. Aiyev, Ceyran A.Ahmedova, Farzaliyev A.A. Phase equlibria in the As2Se3-Tl3As2S3Se3 system and properties of alloys.//Chemistry and chemical technology. 2017.Vol. 11, No. 2, p. 138–143.
Executors: Doctor of Chemistry, professor Imir Aliyev, PhD of Chemistry Geyran Akhmedova (University Adiyaman, Turkey).
Problem: Development of fundamental basis of catalysis, creation of new catalysts and adsorbents.
There has been established selective action of biomimetic catalyst-perftorated tetraphenylporfirine of iron (per-FTPhPFe(III) OH/Al2O3) towards cyclohexane in the process of oxidation by hydrogen peroxide the mixture of cyclohexane with methylcyclohexane, and it has been shown, that at 2000 C in the process 11,3% of cyclohexanon is obtained, and at 2300 C – 23,2% of cyclohexene.
S.Aghamammadova, I. Nagieva, L.Gasanova, T. Nagiev.Кinetics and Mechanism of the Reaction of Coherently Synchronized Oxidation and Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexane by Hydrogen Peroxide. // International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Volume 7, Issue 2, 2017, p. 36-40.
Executors: academician Tofig Nagiyev, PhD of Chemistry Latifa Gasanova, scientific researcher Sariya Agamamedova.
For the first time there has been made one-staged hardphase synthesis of metals ferrites out of their oxides and natural resources – Dashkesan loadstone under the influence of microwave radiation and their high activity in reaction of oxidation carbon mono-oxide has been fixed.
Zulfugarova S.M., Askerov A.G., Gasanguliyeva N.M., Shakunova N.V., Aleskerova Z.F., Litvishkov Y.N., Talishinsky R.M. Investigation of surface acidity of heterogeneous catalysts by thermodesorbtion of ammonia under the influence of electromagnetic SHF-irradiation //OilGasGhemistry №1, 2017, Moscow, p.54-58.
Executors: corresponding-member of ANAS Yuri Litvishkov, PhD of Chemistry Sima Zulfugarova, PhD of Chemistry Nargalem Gasankuliyeva, scientific researcher Zuleyha Aleskerova.
There have been synthesized composites on the base of hydrogel of quarternized poly-4-vinylpyridine, containing nano-particles of silver, on which antibiotic doxycycline is immobiled and it has been established that in composition of nanocomposite doxycycline preserves its biological activity for a long time and its partial separation from the bearer is observed for 48 hours.
S.F.Humbatova, Sh.Z.Tapdigov, S.M. Mammadova, N.A .Zeynalov, D.B.Tagiyev. Synthesis and Study of Structure Silver Nanoparticles by Polyethyleneglycol-Gum Arabic Polymers. Journal of Nano Research. 2017, vol. 45, p. 25-33.
Executors: Doctor of Chemistry Nizami Zeynalov, PhD of Chemistry Shamo Taptigov, academician Dilgam Tagiyev.
There has been worked out the method of electrochemical obtaining of nanostructural solar elements CdS/CdTe on the base of glass /(In2O3,SnO2)/CdS(CdTe) and hibride unit of solar elements and nanocondensators, accumulating solar energy has been constructed.
Eminov Sh.O., Tagiyev D.B., AliyevA.Sh., Soltanova N.Sh., Guliyev J.A., Jalilova Kh.D., Ismayilov N.J., Hasanov I.S., Rajabli A.A., Mamedova G.Kh., Gurbanov I.I., Mahmood Elrouby «Photo and electrical peculiarities of the nanostructured glass/ITO/AAO and glass/ITO/CdS systems»// J. Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2016, vol. 27, number 9, p. 9853-9860.
Executors: Doctor of Chemistry Akif Aliyev, PhD of Chemistry Vusala Medjidzade, dissertant Natavan Soltanova, academician Dilgam Tagiyev, PhD of Physics-Mathematics Shikhamir Eminov and PhD of Physics-Mathematics Namik Ismaylov (Institute of Physics ANAS).
Problem: Technology and Modeling of chemical processes.
There has been offered a method of monocrystals growing on the base of silver thiogallate (AgGaS2 ) with high roentgenodosimetric characteristics.
It has been shown that crystals AgGaS2 have a high roentgenosibility in the wide interval of roentgenous radiation, which let us recommend these materials to create non-cooling and inertionless roentgenoregistrating apparatus and units on their base.
Asadov M.M., Mustafaeva S.N. Guseinov D.T. X-Ray Dosimetric Characteristics of AgGaS2 Single Crystals. // Inorganic Materials. 2017. V. 53. № 5. P. 457–461.
Executors: Doctor of Chemistry, professor Mirsalim Asadov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Solmaz Mustafayeva (Institute of Physics ANAS).
Mineral və bərpa olunan xammal emalının fiziki-kimyəvi əsasları və yeni qeyri-üzvi funksional materialların sintezi
Daşkəsən filiz hövzəsində yerləşən Alunit filizinin emal məhsullarından istifadə etməklə ərazidə yerləşən Filizsaflaşdırma kombinatının tullantılarından qiymətli metalların çıxarılmasının optimal parametr və rejimləri müəyyən edilmiş, Azərbaycanda ilk dəfə olaraq filiz tullantılarından təbiətə ziyan vurmadan faydalı metalların yuma üsulu ilə hasilat texnologiyası işlənib hazırlanmışdır (şəkil 1).
İcraçılar: kimya üzrə elmlər doktoru Arif Heydərov, Aybəniz Quliyeva və geologiya-mineralogiya üzrə elmlər doktoru Çingiz Qaşqay (AMEA Geologiya və Geofizika İnstitutu)
Şəkil 1. Daşkəsən Filizsaflaşdırma kombinatının tullantılarından qiymətli metalların
çıxarılmasının laboratoriya şəraitində mobil texnoloji qurğusu
A.A.Haydarov, Ch.M.Kashkay, A.A.Guliyeva, A.B.Huseynova, Z.R.Jafarov and ets. Recovery of precious metals from Dashkesan mineral tailings by combined methods. Azerbaijan Chemical journal. 2016, №3, c. 121-129.
Mineral və bərpa olunan xammal emalının fiziki-kimyəvi əsasları və yeni qeyri-üzvi funksional materialların sintezi
1. Ağır p-elementlər əsasında topoloji izolyator xassəli qarışıq laylı bəzi telluridlərin mükəmməl monokristalları yetişdirilmiş, beynəlxalq kollaboratorlarla birgə tədqiqi nəticəsində bu materialların terahers detektorlarda sahə-effekt tranzistorları kimi tətbiqinin mümkünlüyü müəyyən edilmiş və monokristallik layların nanopulcuqlarından yığılmış nanoantenalar əsasında skanedici sınaq qurğusu vasitəsilə müxtəlif qeyri-şəffaf obyektlərin daxili görüntülərinin yüksək keyfiyyətli təsvirləri alınmışdır (şəkil 2).
İcraçilar: AMEA müxbir üzvü Məhəmməd Babanlı, kimya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru Ziya Əliyev
Şəkil 2. Sahə-effekt tranzistorları üçün nano antenaların SEM təsviri
Viti L., Coquillat D.,Politano A.,Kokh K.A., Aliev Z.S., Babanly M.B.,Tereshchenko O.E., Knap W., Chulkov E.V., Vitiello M.S. Plasma-Wave Terahertz Detection Mediated by Topological Insulators Surface States // Nano Letters, 2016, v.16, pp.80−87.
2. Mingəçevir su anbarının sualtı polad qurğularında mikrobioloji bakteriyaların və onların həyat fəaliyyətinin nəticəsi olan hidrogen sulfid korroziyası aşkar edilmişdir. Bu mikroorqanizmlər anaerob xassəli olub sudakı SO42- ionları ilə qidalanaraq H2S ifraz etməklə, pittinq korroziyasına səbəb olurlar (şəkil 3).
İcraçılar: kimya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru Hilal Tahirli, kimya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru Süleyman Verdiyev, biologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru Könül Baxşəliyeva (Mikrobiologiya İnstitutu)
Şəkil 3. Polad nümunələrin Mingəçevir su anbarında korroziya sınaqlarından
sonrakı görünüşü, a – ilkin metal; b – 4 aylıq sınaqdan sonra; c – 11 aydan sonra.
H.M.Tahirly, S.Ch.Verdiev, K.F.Bakhshaliyeva, acad. D.B.Taghiyev. Corrosion of carbon steel St-3 under exploitation of hydrotechnical utilities builts on the Kura and Aras rivers. Reports of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, 2016, № 2.
Mineral və bərpa olunan xammal emalının fiziki-kimyəvi əsasları və yeni qeyri-üzvi funksional materialların sintezi.
Üzvi batareyalarda elektrod materialı kimi perspektivli material olan dördəvəzli fenilendiaminlərin monomer və oliqomerlərinin, onların komplekslərinin alınma üsulları işlənib hazırlanmışdır.
Dördəvəzli fenilendiaminin mis ilə polimer kompleksi
İcraçılar: AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü Əjdər Məcidov, k.ü.f.d. Pərizad Fətullayeva, k.e.i. Səbinə İsmayılova
С.З.Исмаилова, А.А.Меджидов, П.А.Фатуллаева, Р.Дж.Касумов, И.Мамедов. Получение полимера конденсацией о-фенилендиамина и п-ксилилендибромида и его свойства. Журнал Неорганической Химии. |
Katalizin fundamental əsaslarının inkişaf etdirilməsi, yeni katalizatorların və adsorbentlərin yaradılması
1. İlk dəfə olaraq tərkibində keçid metalları olmayan nanoquruluşlu polimer karbon nitridin hidrogen molekulunu aktivləşdirmək xassəsi müəyyən edilmiş və bu katalizatorun iştirakı ilə çoxtonnajlı sənaye məhsulu olan polistirol istehsalında fenilasetilenin stirola selektiv hidrogenləşmə üsulu işlənib hazırlanmışdır.
Fenilasetilenin stirola və etilbenzola çevrilməsi
İcraçılar: kimya üzrə elmlər doktoru Vaqif Əhmədov, kimya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru İsrafil Əhmədov, Vüsal Əhmədov, kimya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru Həbib Nurullayev
V.M. Akhmedov, I. Ahmadov, H.G. Nurullayev, V.M. Ahmadov. New metal-free Catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of multiple bonds in aromatic hydrocarbons based on graphitic carbon nitrides. Azerbaijan Chemical Journal, 2016, № 4.
2. Sualtı obyektlərin aşkar edilməsi üçün geniş tezlik intervalına malik akustik antenaların hazırlanması məqsədi ilə poli-N-vinilpirrolidon və qummiarabik sopolimeri əsasında ölçüləri 7-9 nm olan yeni sinif pyezoelektrik gümüş nanokompozitləri alınmışdır.
İcraçılar: akademik Dilqəm Tağıyev, kimya üzrə elmlər doktoru Nizami Zeynalov, kimya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru Şamo Tapdıqov, Səadət Hümbətova
S.F.Humbatova, N.A.Zeynalov, D.B.Taghiyev, Sh.Z.Tapdigov, S.M.Mammedova. Chitosan polymer composite material containing of silver nanoparticle // Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2016, Vol.11,. № 1, p.39-44.
Katalizin fundamental əsaslarının inkişaf etdirilməsi, yeni katalizatorların və adsorbentlərin yaradılması
Filiz emalı tullantı sularından yüksək faizlə (90-95%) Cu2+ və Zn2+ ionlarının çıxarılması üçün modifikasiya olunmuş bentonit filtri hazırlanmış və İran İslam Respublikasının Gilan Almas şirkətində sənaye miqyasında sınaqdan keçirilmişdir. Alınan nəticə təbii bentonit və ənənəvi istifadə olunan aktiv kömürdən 1,5 dəfə yüksəkdir. (şəkil 4).
İcraçılar: kimya üzrə elmlər doktoru Əli Yaqubov, Şahab Nasseri, Elvin Cabbarov
Ş.A.Nasseri, G.R.Kiani, A.I.Yaqubov, A.Alemi, A.N.Nuriev. Kinetics and thermodynamics study of zinc ions adsorption on to modified nanobentonite Chemical Engineering, 2016, V. 82, №12, p. 820-826.
Şəkil 4. Filiz emali tullanti sularindan cu2+ və zn2+ ionlarının çıxarılması üçün
istifadə olunan qurğunun texnoloji sxemi
1 - flotasiya çəni, 2 - qarışıq üçün çən, 3 - zəif axın üçün çən, 4 - ilkin çökdürülmə,
5- tarazlayıcı çən, 6- hidroliz üçün bioreaktor, 7- bioreaktor antasid, 8- asetat çəni,
9 - metan üçün çən, 10 - aktiv şlam reaktoru, 11 - bioloji çökdürülmə çəni, 12 - xloru qarışdırma çəni, 13 - karbon filtri, 14 - bentonit uf – filtri, 15 - aktiv şlamın saxlanılması üçün yer, 16 - əhəngin içəri ötürülməsi üçün sistem, 17 - atomun ötürülməsi üçün sistem, 18 - xlorun ötürülməsi üçün sistem
Development of fundamental bases of catalysis and the creation of new catalysts and adsorbents
Semiconductor biomimetic electrode (Si) of catalase type the main working element of which is iron porphyrinic biomimetic catalyst, was first created.
The high activity and sensibility of the electrode allow detecting the concentration of H2O2 to 10-6 mass %, and resistance to the effects of H2O2 facilitates its reuse.
Executors: academician Tofik Nagiyev, PhD in chemistry Nehmed Ali-zade, research fellow Nurana Melikova
Development of fundamental bases of catalysis and the creation of new catalysts and adsorbents
New on the basis of optimal designing of the complex for processing of cracking and pyrolysis gases the new method of modeling and optimal designing for chemical-technological systems consisting of determining the optimal coordinated material and heat flows has been elaborated.
Executors: academician Agadadash Aliyev, PhD in technical sciences Alla Huseynova, PhD in technical sciences, senior research fellow Agil Safarov
Development of fundamental bases of catalysis and the creation of new catalysts and adsorbents
For the purpose of preserving long-term biological activity of doxorubicin antibiotics poly-N-vinylpyrrolidon and arabic gum nanobiocomposites comprising 14-18 nm Ag nanoparticles in carrier were synthesized for its immobilization.
Executors: Dr. in chemistry Nizami Zeynalov, PhD in chemistry, senior research fellow Shamo Tapdigov, research fellow Samira Mammadova
Physical-chemical bases of processing of mineral and renewable raw material and synthesis of new inorganic functional materials.
Addition of molybdenum into the structure of carbide layer Cr-Ti formed on the surface of the steel SH-15, substantially increased its resistance to corrosion and erosion and thus the potential of pitting formation has been shifted to 200 mv in the positive direction. Such type steels processed by thermal diffusion can be used in many fields of industry, including military industry.
Executors: PhD in chemistry Hilal Tahirli, research fellow Elshan Alekberov
Modeling and technology of chemical processes
The new production technology of 98.5% pure benzene – raw material suitable for alkylation processes- from light resin of pyrolysis condensate has been first suggested. This method is energy- and metal-saving, economically profitable, differs with its technologically simplicity and avoids the hydroalkylation stage.
Executors: doctor of technical sciences Fikret Sadikhov, PhD in chemistry Idris Huseynov, research fellow Irada Mammadova
Metal-string complex with 11 nickel atoms in its linear molecular ring, which is a perspective material in nanoelectronics as a molecular conductor was synthesized for the first time. This complex, which contains mixed valence nickel particles, is the longest (32.4Å) among other know molecular conductors.
Electrochemical obtaining method of thin films of Re-Se-Cu alloys based on rhenium chalcogenides was developed. These thin films with conversion and memory effect are perspective materials in the conversion of solar energy as a photoelectrode material in semi-conductors techniques.
For theoretical justification of controlling heterogeneous crystallization process a new equation connecting equilibrium coordinates of phase diagrams, thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of crystallization process in binary and quasi binary systems was obtained and theoretically proved by applying in different systems.
For calculation of efficiency level of stratification and separation of oil emulsion from water, quantity of separated water depending on time and installation for the process a new kinetic model of coalescence of water drops was created.
The distribution regularities of rare and radioactive elements in various type rocks, mineral and produced waters have been studied, the new schemes of mineralogy and geochemistry in hydrothermal ore complex of the northeastern edge of the Lesser Caucasus have been worked out, geochemistry of pyrite-polymetallic deposits (Filizchay, Katckh, Katedag and etc.) found on the southern slopes of Greater Caucasus was studied;
Absorption mechanism of mineral produced and sea waters and distribution of microelements in oil-water-rock ternary heterogeneous systems has been studied. The regularities of dissipation and collection, their migration have been established by studying distribution of rare and radioactive elements in produced waters-rock system in oil deposits;
By improving the technology of processing alunite ore economically profitable and ecologically pure technological process has been developed and tested. The scientific foundations of processing of weak alutinized rocks using combined acidic-alkaline method have been worked out;
Several versions of complex processing of technological schemes of polymetallic sulfide ores have been developed; this scheme also enables to extract macroelements (iron, sulphur, copper, zinc) and rare and valuable metals as well;
The regularities of producing reactive pure valuable raw materials (iron, titanium 4-oxide, vanadium-5 oxide, chromic compounds) for steelmaking, powdery metallurgy and other industrial fields by direct reduction of Dashkesan iron ore and titanium magnetite with
natural gas and extraction technology of magnetite and copper-cobalt concentrate from wastes of enriched ore have been developed;
The rational extractants (naphthenic acids and their derivatives), which are the direct products of oil processing or synthesized on their basis have been found, production technology of high quality blue copperas and nickel-sulfate from treated industrial products has been tested in pilot plant and the extraction methods enabling to treat several salts and selectively extract rare-earth elements have been proposed;
The new high sensitive and selective spectrophotometric, extraction-photometric, atomic-absorption methods of determining some noble elements have been developed and applied in analysis of complex natural and industrial samples in plant and scientific-research laboratories;
Theoretical bases of concrete hardening were given by studying the structure of calcium silicate crystals; fundamental technological tasks attracting the interest of scientists around the world have been solved and a concept on leading role of big cations in structure of minerals has been proved;
Crystallochemical theory is founded by adjusting crystal-chemical classification of calcium silicates. The notion “unit structure” was introduced into chemistry, a new definition was presented, and this notion is noted as a leading idea in purposeful synthesis of inorganic substances in future;
A number of compounds and solid solutions based on chalcogenides and oxychalcogenides of rare and rare earth elements have been synthesized, the methods of growing their monocrystals have been developed, crystalline structures have been exposed, by studying physical-chemical, magnetic and optical properties, the use of them in preparation of sources of rays and various receivers operating in different fields of spectrum were determined and applied in some close enterprises.;
Stable nitroxyl radicals of transition metals with chelating ligands (Schiff base – carboxylates, xantogenates and oth.) were synthesized, their molecular and crystalline structures have been studied, electron-exchange energy between paramagnetic centres was found out. It was shown that radical centre (nitroxyl) entering into coordination sphere of metal (Cu(II)) leads to its activation. The new oxidizing C–C connection reactions in coordinated salicylaldiminates were found out;
Scientific and practical tasks of transformations of hydrocarbons on amorphous and crystalline aluminosilicates (zeolite and zeolite like systems) were solved; scientific bases of purposeful construction of selective and active polyfunctional zeolite catalysts for the oxidizing transformation reactions of olefin and paraffin hydrocarbons, aliphatic alcohols have been elaborated, the new possibilities of treatment of industrial wastes have been found out by investigating oxidizing reactions C1–C4 aliphatic, olefin, dien series chlorine hydrocarbons on V-P-O/SiO2 catalytic systems have been found out, a number of heterogeneous catalysts intensely absorbing super high sensitive electromagnetic radiations have been developed for microwave stimulated reactions;
New, productive, practically non-waste production processes of the entire series of aromatic nitriles have been created and oxidizing-ammonolysis process of alkylbenzenes at low temperature liquid phase has been worked out. This method enables to synthesize a series of important aromatic mono-and dinitriles under technologically favourable conditions;
Theory of coherent-synchronized reactions has been founded and it was proved by experimental investigation of gas phase oxidation reactions with hydrogen peroxide. A new method of kinetic analysis of complex reactions was suggested. Oxidation reaction of natural gas and organic compounds were researched by free radical mechanism with hydrogen peroxide and practically important fixation reaction of atmospheric nitrogen was studied for the first time;
The bases of biomimetic catalysis – a new scientific direction in monooxygenase, peroxidase and catalase reactions have been developed and new biomimetic sensors have been worked out;
as a result of quantum-chemical and experimental researches over mechanism of fixation reaction of molecular nitrogen with hydrogen peroxide, the presence of stable HOO–N=N–OOH intermediate was proved and this process was called “Nagiev’s effect”;
High-performance sorbents based on natural zeolites and alumosilicates from rich deposits of Azerbaijan were created for purification of industrial waste waters from toxic sorbents and oil products, drying processes of industrial gas and liquid hydrocarbons;
Scientific bases of producing uranium, cobalt and copper by sorption from Caspian sea waters have been elaborated and tested in pilot plant within the frames of scientific program “World Ocean” of the USSR State Scientific and Technical Committee;
Theory of the recycling processes in chemical technology was created, the global optimization method serving to theoretical foundation of designing chemical enterprises, in particular, chemical enterprises groups was developed, the ways of increasing optimization of chemical processes were shown; a new principle-general super optimization principle was introduced into chemical technology; for complex technological systems three-stage method of optimization (global, regional and local decomposition) was created;
Theory, principles and methods of modeling non-stationary catalytic processes and optimization were developed, recommendations for intensification of industrial processes of dehydrogenization of paraffin and olefin hydrocarbons on their basis were given; for the first time a new approach allowing to increase reaction rate to maximum extent for catalyst selection was developed;
The common principles of developing mathematical model of the processes going in boiling layer of catalysts circulating in the reactor- generator, as well change of catalysts’ activity at the interaction of two elements providing optimum operating mode of block have been developed;
principally innovative reactor - electrochemical combustion chamber was created and on its basis the process of producing acetylene from natural gas by oxidizing pyrolysis in electric diffusion arc has been developed;
Theory of flow processes of multiphase systems by deposition of solid phase on heat exchange surface of chemical technology apparatus was developed and scientifically based recommendations were offered to control heavy crude oil refinery processes, as well as granulation of powdery materials in Sumgait superphosphate plant;
Electrochemical obtaining of metal semi-conductor coverings and layers;
Electrochemical purification and deposition, electrocatalytic processes of organic compounds, inhibitors and their admixtures for corrosion processes at complex aggressive media have been prepared, condition of using electrochemical and joint protection methods has been studied, electrochemical development of layers, scientifically based methods and protection means for different fields of industry by using metal and non-metal coatings have been worked out;
A new principle of producing complex forming polymer sorbents and metal polymer complex catalysts and regulation of their properties have been elaborated. A new stage of determining the rate of conforming change of segments from swollen polymer gels creating favorable condition for metal adsorption has been discovered;
Gel-immobilized catalytic systems on the basis of metal-polymer complexes with grafted to rubber oxygen and nitrogen containing ligands have been obtained. Such catalysts swelling at high temperature behave chemically as homogeneous catalysts; on the other hand, they can be easily separated from reaction media as a heterogeneous catalyst and recycled.