İnstitutun əməkdaşlarının Impakt Faktorlu (TR) "Inorganic Materials" da "X-Ray Dosimetric Characteristics of AgGaS2 Single Crystals Grown by Chemical Vapor Transport" məqaləsi dərc olunmuşdur
Oct 04, 2017 | 10:00 / Important events
Read 5938 time (-s)

Using chemical vapor transport, we have grown AgGaS2 single crystals possessing large room-temperature X-ray induced conductivity and X-ray sensitivity coefficients, which allows the single crystals to be recommended for use as key elements of various uncooled and very fast X-ray detecting devices and systems.

"X-Ray Dosimetric Characteristics of AgGaS2 Single Crystals Grown by Chemical Vapor Transport" S. M. Asadov, S. N. Mustafaeva, and D. T. Guseinov. "Inorganic Materials" 2017, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 457–461.

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