Jul 26, 2016 | 12:30 / Meetings
Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev met with President of the company "Kinemetriks", U.S Ogi Kuraika, who visits our country.
In the event held by ANAS Presidium also attended Director of the Republican Seismic Survey Center of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (RSSC) under ANAS Presidium Administration, correspondent member of ANASGurban Yetirmishli.
During the meeting sides discussed issues concerning the strengthening of ties between Azerbaijani scientists and company "Kinemetriks", the organization of joint activities, as well as the training and exchange of experience.
Also were exchanged views on holding trainings for specialists of the center on processing of seismological materials by modern methods, as well as participation in the creation of the Information Center of RSSC in Nakhchivan jointly with local specialists. Note that, the Information Center in Nakhchivan provides recycling of information on earthquakes and expanding ongoing seismological research, registered in Autonomous Republic.
Then Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev brought to the forefront of the implementation of local and foreign experts, joint research in the field of seismology. He expressed confidence that the mutual exchange of experience will make a new contribution to the development of seismological science.
Ogi Kuraika, in turn, spoke about the seismological studies carried out in Azerbaijan and noted that, Nakhchivan information center will play an important role in carrying out research work in the future.